Friday, December 18, 2015


Bhava, Vibhavas, Anubhvas, Vyabhichari bhava

Bhava is again compounded of there states. there is the sthayibhava or permanent or established states of the character portrayed. this permanent emotion however is expressed through Vibhavas, anubhavas and sanchari  or Vyabhichari bhavas.
                                            Vibhavas are causes of the emotion or that which is essential to portray a state. They are alambana, the hero and heroine, and uddipana, the objects that excite the emotion such as qualities (gunas), actions (cheshtas) decorations (alankara) and environment (tatastha).
                                                                             Anubhavas are indications of a feeling showing physical actions to register the emotion portrayed.
                                      Vyabhichari bhavas are the transient moods in contrast and leading to the established state of what is known as the sthayibhava.


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