Tuesday, December 1, 2015



      There is then, every reason to believe that there lies ahead of cinema a tremendous field quite separate from that already developed along the lines of the story film. new means of production, made possible by propaganda and instruction, open up new avenues of experiment and exhibition and new publicity indicate new forms of films ans new attitudes towards the materials of cinema.
      This does not imply that the story films as such has no place in cinema, that amusement, recreation, entertainment, call it what you will, is not an essential thing to the ordinary person, nor that cinema has not performed a vast function in making the theatre available to the masses by pursuing the line of photographed stage plays. But it does most emphatically suggest that the story film is not the be all end all of cinema.that other kinds of films are as important, if not more important, in the long run than the fiction product of the commercial studios


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